Updated Website

Saturday, June 10th, 2017

So, I finally got around to finishing migrating my homepage from my noisy T2000 to a much quieter and nicer Sun Ultra45. The move brought with it various other improvements as well, including folder browsing using the h5ai php web folder browser. While this reorganization does break any links anyone has posted to my site I don’t feel that is too big of a deal at this point.



Welcome to my Blog!

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015

I’ll be posting KiCad tutorials, VHDL adventures and Sun Sparc related madness here!

I currently am working on an LED doodad (its a holiday specific thing 😉 ) but I don’t think I will post it here… I’ll be getting a Cobblebot Vanguard 3d printer hopefully soon so perhaps I can document my assembly process and some of the things I make with it here as well.

Oh, and I am slowly assembling a maxed out SparcServer 1000e… hopefully before the end of the year!

In case you are viewing this directly on my wordpress page… you can get to my homepage here http://www.gh0stwriter.net
